A.D. Cantelmo Property Management
Our Business is Property Management in Orange County California
Why do we get so offended?
The latest
media outrage is the Sony pictures hacking of the e-mails from a few executives
saying all kinds of things that were not so complimentary to some actors and of
course the President. My question is, why are we becoming a country that loves
to be offended? Be warned, this time it's the Sony Execs, tomorrow it may be
There are no more private thoughts unless you just keep them in your head.
When Donald
Sterlings private conversation with his mistress were revealed, it was easy to
jump on him because he was not a very sympathetic figure, but when the
actresses had their private pictures hacked, people were much more sympathetic,
it did not stop them from peaking, but they said they were outraged.
Now a huge entertainment company is
being traumatized by hackers revealing all kinds of information. The e-mails
from the executives that show they may not be the most sensitive and open
minded people that many associate with the Hollywood crowd are getting the most
attention. I have to wonder if these executives took pleasure at the Donald
Sterling debacle.
We may not
want to admit this, but we all have private thought that others may find
offensive. So getting outraged at others because their private e-mails reveal
that they too are not pure of heart, is a little hypocritical to say the least.
During this Christmas Season we can remember the saying: Judge Not, that you be
not judged. It’s funny, but the guy who said that, many of us happen to be
celebrating his birthday in a couple of weeks.
In my
business of Property Management in Orange County Ca. I never get offended when
people say things about me to others or sometimes to my face. In fact I always
listen and sometimes even learn a few things, even if the person saying potential
offensive things may not be doing so in a helpful way. We can always learn
about ourselves and many times people without knowing it may be helping us by
being offensive.
The bottom
line is, Stop being offended, if someone says something you don’t like, who
cares. I always find that people who get offended, have very little self
confidence and are looking for ways to justify their failures. Successful
people don’t have time to be offended, they just keep moving forward.
A.D. Cantelmo Property Management Specializes in Property
Management on Orange County Ca.