A.D. Cantelmo Property Management
Our Business is Property Management in Orange County California
Was the Play the Worst Ever?
The day after the Super Bowl, there seems to be one
voice in the media, “The worst Super Bowl Play Ever”. Is that really the case
or are people being a little dramatic about the whole thing. There have been 49
Super Bowls and I have watched most of them and I have no Idea if this play is
even close to the worst and I’m sure most people talking don’t either.
The bottom line is, if the play had worked,
everyone of these nay Sayers would be saying what a great play it was and what
a smart coach Pete Carroll was.
The Monday Morning Quarterbacks are always
right, but no one is asking any of these people to coach. Coaches make a lot of
money, because they have to make difficult decisions and take the abuse when
those decisions are a bust. I actually like the decision to throw the ball, I
would have liked to see the ball thrown to some other part of the End Zone but
throwing was not a bad play at least in my opinion.
Decisions are made every day in every business, I
know in my business of Property Management in Orange County Ca. I make decisions
everyday and sometimes I am wrong, but of course millions of people don’t care
about my decisions and I don’t have the media telling me what a fool I am. The
coach of the Seahawks will never be able to live this game down, even though we
will never know what would have happened if he ran the ball instead of throwing
the ball. He will have to live with the decision and he has taken the
responsibility for it. Pete Carroll will be back as the head coach of the
Seahawks next year and he should have a good team and a good shot at getting
back to the Super Bowl. If he wins, all will be forgiven, but if he never wins
again, this unfortunately, just like so many sports figures, he will be known for
this one play.
In my business of Property Management in Anaheim
Ca. I do my best to make good decisions and my clients count on my expertise. I
know that no one, especially me, is perfect and sometimes I make the wrong
choice, but I will not be remembered for one bad decision, most of the time, I
can correct any bad choice I make. Of course I don’t make millions of dollars per
year to make these decisions.
If I did, I would welcome the scrutiny.
A.D. Cantelmo Property Management Specializes in Property
Management in Orange County Ca.