A.D. Cantelmo Property Management
Our Business is Property Management in Orange County California
Why keep it a secret
All the talk these days is for transparency, but whenever I
hear that word, I know that the people saying it are trying to hide something or
many things. Talk is cheap and real transparency is much easier then always
trying to cover up things.
I am in search of some furniture, so I have been looking on-line and one particular store that I have done business with before seems to
not want me to know their prices. All the furniture says that it is sold in
store only but no prices. How do I know if I want to go into the store, if I
don’t know how much they are going to charge me? I want transparency and the
store is making a huge mistake not giving it to me.
I guess the store thinks that if it keeps the prices hidden
on-line then I will have to go into the store. I don’t think that tactic works
very well today, since people like me love to shop on-line for the sole purpose
of not having to go into the store. The
last thing that I want to do is to go into a furniture store and haggle over
the price. Just show me the price and if I like it on-line, I will buy it and
have it delivered, is that so hard for the store to do.?
In my business of Property Management in Anaheim Ca. I
always do my best to be transparent to my clients and my Tenants and they seem
to appreciate it most of the time. Of course when I deliver bad news it is not
always appreciated. I think that when there is bad news to be delivered, it is better
to do it soon so the recipient can have as much time as possible to do
something about it. The longer you let bad news fester the harder it is to
solve the problem.
Back to the furniture store, I have gone to other furniture
sites that do put the price of their furniture on-line and I will be doing
business with them. Their transparency is appreciated by me and in return I
will give them my business. As for the store that I use to do business with, that
seems to be like a politician when it comes to transparency, my vote is no to
A.D. Cantelmo Property
Management Specializes in Property Management in Orange County