A.D. Cantelmo Property Management
Our Business is Property Management in Orange County California
Managing through the fog
So many Tenants who look to rent go about it all wrong and
so often the reason is that they are embarrassed about their life situation and
what looking into their past will show. I say pick your head up and be upfront,
because you can’t hide behind the fog.
I ask questions for a reason
I have been in the business of Property Management in Orange
County Ca. for quite a while and I have had to manage through the fog of
deception many times, and it is not hard to do. The first sign of deception is
excuses. When a potential Tenant comes to a property and becomes very cautious
about what they say about their past, my antenna goes up. If you want to rent,
be very open when we talk. I ask questions, not because I am nosey, but because
I want to get a feel of who you are.
Be upfront
When I am thinking about placing a potential Tenant in a
property, I think long term and how it will be in dealing with that Tenant for
the next 12 months. If I can’t get answers to simple questions up front, then I
am not going to be comfortable that things are going to work out long term.
My advice to potential Tenants is be upfront and honest
about your situation, even if it is uncomfortable. I have heard it all and will
never look down on you because of mistakes you have made. I may not be able to
place you in a property, but you can’t hide your past so don’t try. It is much
more embarrassing to tell me one thing and have me find out the truth. Tell me
the truth and maybe we can work through it.
Property Management in Anaheim Ca.
I understand that we all think that we can talk our way out
of problems, but the truth is too easy to find, so let’s talk and I will be
fair to you as long as you are upfront with me.

Management Specializes in Property Management in Orange County
A.D. Cantelmo Property