A.D. Cantelmo Property Management
Our Business is Property Management Orange County California
Tell your children to become plumbers
Now I have no children, but I tell people all the time that
if I did, I would tell them to look into a career in plumbing. Some people look
at me funny, but when I explain my reasons, they tend to agree, at least to a
certain degree.
Everyone will need a Plumber eventually
Think about this, everyone will need a plumber at certain
times in life. How many other carriers can you say that about? A few, but being
a plumber does not take years of schooling and hundreds of thousands of dollars
and a degree like maybe a doctor does and a doctor is another carrier that
everyone will need at certain times in life.
I know people who have become electricians for example and
they are always looking for work, but the plumbers I know, never have to look
for work, they just need to want to work. When a toilet backs up, or a pipe is
leaking, your first call is to a plumber and in an emergency situation; you
will pay anything to get the job done. Have you ever been without hot water
when your water heater is not working? Having a good plumber on speed dial can
be a real benefit to everyone.
Work that looks for you
In my business of Property Management Orange County Ca. I
have a great plumber and it makes my business much better. I am very
proactive when it comes to leaks and I want to be able to pick up the phone and
get the leak addressed. It makes me happy and also my Tenants to know that the
problem will be addressed and the plumber will do a great job. My plumber is
always busy and he is never looking for work, the work looks for him.
Glamor, or financial stability?
Yes being a plumber is hard and many times dirty work, but
it is an all cash business and when you do a good job, your business will
thrive with repeat and referral business.
I know that being a plumber is not glamorous, but would you
rather have your children be glamorous, or be financially secure, I think the
answer will be the ladder. The best part is that if your children are plumbers,
you will always have a great plumber at the ready and think of the money you
will save with the family discount

A.D. Cantelmo Property Management
Specializes in Property Management Orange County Ca.